IIIT-D MOLF database has 19,200 fingerprints collected using from 100 subjects using five different capture methods: (i) Lumidigm Venus IP65 Shell, (ii) Secugen Hamster-IV, (iii) CrossMatch L-Scan Patrol, (iv) Latent fingerprints, and (v) simultaneous latent fingerprints lifted using black powder dusting process. The details of the database are given below:
Sample Images
The database is organized in six folders - DB1, DB2, DB3, DB3_A, DB4, DB5. ALl fingerprints are available in compressed WSQ format and in uncompressed BMP format. The total size of the database in WSQ is 600 MB and in BMP format is 21.2 GB. The image size of fingerprints in different subsets of the database and the nomenclature used for naming the images are shown in the table below:
This database is available only for research and educational purpose and not for any commercial use. If you use the database in any publications or reports, you must refer to the following paper:
(CRC: E4AD31E7, MD5: 253b6e27e6c8ddeef22944a4a29cdf39 , SHA-1: D7778CE6FBD86A6C94FD77C890E79A4460D8A2EC)