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  • Sep, '19. IABians being facilitated on IIIT-Delhi's Foundation's Day, 2019!
    • Teaching Excellence Award: Prof. Mayank Vatsa (for CSE 544: Computer Vision)
    • Dean’s Award for Innovation in Research and Development: Aakarsh Malhotra, Akarsha Sehwag, Akhil Goel, Akshay Agarwal, Maneet Singh, Rohit Keshari, Saheb Chhabra, Shruti Nagpal, Soumyadeep Ghosh, Viresh Gupta
    • Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence: Aditya Singh, Aman Mehra, Mehak Gupta, Nilay Sanghvi, Pragya Prakash, Raghav Sood, Viresh Gupta
    • Best Teaching Assistant Award: Aakarsh Malhotra (for CSE 642: Advanced Machine Learning)
  • Nov, '18. Dr. Mayank , selected for the prestigious Swarnajayanti fellowship award!
  • Sep, '18. Shruti Nagpal, PhD student at IAB, has received the Google's Women Techmakers Scholarship!
  • Sep, '18. Dr. Richa , received the prestigious IAPR Fellow Award!
  • May, '17. Dr. Richa and Dr. Mayank , giving a tutorial on From Deep Unsupervised to Supervised Models for Face Analysis, FG 2017
  • May, '17. Dr. Richa and Dr. Mayank , giving a tutorial on Domain Adaptation in Biometrics, ICCV 2017
  • May, '17. Dr. Richa and Dr. Mayank , giving a tutorial on Deep Learning for Face Recognition at the 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, held at Anchorage, Alaska.
  • April, '15. Dr. Richa , Program Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on BTAS, Buffalo, 2016
  • April, '15. Dr. Mayank , Publications Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on BTAS, Buffalo, 2016
  • April, '15. Dr. Mayank , Publicity chair, IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Sweden, 2016
  • March, '15. Gaurav, received the prestigious IBM PhD fellowship for 2015-2016